Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Who needs Ya Drew

As we (The City) are Broke due to Centax not paying us the $1.2 million, causing the city to fall short by over $3 million, still not quite sure how losing $1.2 million causes a $3 million shortfall, but hey I’m just a simple banker.

So instead of cutting Idiots with only a creative writing degree, our King once again chooses to sacrifice public safety.

Why cut WBFD, and keep the Kings Parrot?

Drew Mc-Laugh-lin said

The city is facing budget shortfalls caused by an overall decrease in revenue and $1.2 million in taxes owed by former county tax collector Centax.

We are in the midst of difficult financial times

We have revenue issues and are trying to save money wherever possible

Those options could include layoffs

Nothing is set in stone

We're not saber-rattling, we're just trying to tell people what the reality is and what we're working with

  • If any of that were even remotely true, we (The City) would cut unneeded, overpaid, inexperienced, parrots, long before hardworking, lifesavers.

Wake Up Wilkes Barre


1 comment:

  1. While we have a company to take care of our street lights, we can lose the electrician for the rest of the year. The same one who has a new city vehicle and takes it home to bear creek every day. & while im at it, who is the city employee who parks the new city van on the corner of Union & S. Franklin St's every day? Why cant he drive his own?


Wake Up Wilkes Barre TV