Monday, February 25, 2013

Shots Fired, Hit The Deck!!!

You don’t have to be a CSI: Crime Scene Investigator to know that Wilkes Barre has a crime problem. 

Just take a look at what is no longer shocking to the residents.

  • A robbery at Turkey Hill
  • Shots Fired
  • Home Invasions
  • Or a well known convenience store on Carey Ave now referred to by the locals as “The Stab & Grab”.

Wilkes-Barre police Chief Gerard Dessoye is aware of the rise in shootings, but he doesn't know why it's happening.

"It's hard to say (why there's an increase)," Dessoye said. "Every one has its own story and you never know for sure if the story is true."

  • Hey Gerry Wake Up, Charlotte from Crime Watch, and Jason from The Guardian Angels have been warning of gangs infiltrating our city, and yet you ignored their warnings.

Dessoye blamed many of the shootings on a "subculture" that lives outside the law and settles disputes with violence.

"It's not every case; certainly there are some involved in domestic violence cases and various others," Dessoye said.

  • Now you’ve got it, "subculture" that lives outside the law and settles disputes with violence.

Bill Jarma recently stood in a parking lot outside his apartment at Interfaith Heights, across the street from Sherman Hills. "It's a walking disaster," Jarma said. "Someone's going to get murdered."

  • Oh Bill several someone’s are already getting murdered!

"I want to get the hell out of here but can't afford to," Jarma said. "I just stay in my house and mind my own business."

  • That’s the sentiment of many of our residents, but yet I call for every last one of you to WAKE UP and stop electing the same thugs, who bury their heads in the sand, and ignore the problem, or in Wilkes Barre’s case are part of the problem themselves, and likely don’t go after the Gang’s out of professional courtesy.
  • If you vote for these people you’re the problem, and if you don’t vote against them you're an even bigger problem.

When asked about Sherman Hills, a man who said he lived there admitted the neighborhood has a bad reputation.

"I know it's bad, but the thing is, if you mind your own and stay around people you know, you'll be alright," he said.

But at night, it's best to stay inside, another man said.

"Sometimes you hear the shots. I got a 5-year-old son, he throws himself on the floor when he hears them," he said.

  • A 5-year-old throwing himself on the floor when he hears shots being fired.
  • Can you picture your son, daughter, or grandchild doing this, growing up this way, or accepting this as the normal?
  • Well I sure as hell cannot!!!

Dessoye confirmed there is a high concentration of crime at Sherman Hills and said he has spoken with the owners about the problem.

"It would be fair to say that the owners and operators of the Sherman Hills Complex have made promises to the city administration, police administration and we're going to hold them accountable for the promises they made," city spokesman Drew McLaughlin said.

Dessoye refused to elaborate on the owners' promises, saying it could "have an impact on some things we're doing." Phone messages left at the Brooklyn, N.Y., phone number for Sherman Hills, LLC, the complex's owner, were not returned.

  • Well let’s see, Sherman Hills hasn’t seen a Rental Inspection since, well EVER!!! Let’s get past the loss of revenue to the city, by not inspecting the 344 units or 341 assisted units, yet this complex is allowed to operate outside city code, WHY?
  • I wonder if this has anything to do with Dessoye refusal to elaborate on the owners' promises. 
  • HUM What are those promises, or better yet how much are those promises?

Beyond the streets of Sherman Hills, residents all over the city aren't feeling safe, said Charlotte Raup, president of the Wilkes-Barre Crime Watch.

"People are scared to death," Raup said. "The main question we get at crime watch is, 'Should I get a gun?' 'When can I shoot somebody?' 'Should I get an alarm?'"

  • Good God just yesterday folks were told by police to stay inside a church after Mass because of an armed robbery across the street. 
  • It’s like the Wild West in Wilkes Barre but not nearly as safe.

Dessoye said "You need to have a meter, you need to compare it to something. You write an article just about Wilkes-Barre, everyone's terrified, Now people are reading that and are under the impression that the only places there are any shootings is in Wilkes-Barre. There's never any (mentioning that) by the way, Scranton's crime rate is this or Scranton also has a problem."

  • FYI Duh-Soye, Wilkes-Barre had two more robberies with a firearm and 13 more assaults with a firearm than Scranton last year, according to the statistics.
  • It should also be noted that Scranton had ZERO fatalities from shooting last year, unlike Wilkes Barre.

P.S. Shooting TODAY at Sherman hill, and Duh-Soye still doesn’t know why this is happening. 

For the love of GOD, Wake Up Wilkes Barre


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