Monday, September 16, 2013

Torbik Security System still in Murphy’s house?

Upon hearing the unanswered questions from private residents, The Wilkes Barre Independent Gazette traveled all the way to Hobbs, NM to interview former Wilkes Barre City Administrator, J.J. ($300 per hr) Murphy. Who, as luck would have it, just received a huge pay raise the very week the Gazette came-a-calling...

Murphy previously stated publicly that he gave that pesky security system back, BUT now tells the Gazette that he is still paying for the monitoring fees for the allegedly given back security system, and out of his own pocket no less.

I know what your thinking, contract, right? After all it was only installed in 2005, I'm sure it must still be under contract...RIGHT??? HA HA!!!

So for all the DA’s blustering that she personally saw the system, the Gazette also attempted to call, her, but like any Luzerne County politician she didn’t return the reporters calls. Hum me wonders who the DA is in bed with?

Wake Up Wilkes Barre


1 comment:

  1. I know what your thinking, contract, right? After all it was only installed in 2005, I'm sure it must still be under contract...RIGHT??? HA HA!!! First Security Services bodyguards


Wake Up Wilkes Barre TV