Monday, March 30, 2015

Don't Elect a Drunken Judge

Please be aware of who/what you're electing. 

One of the most important elections facing Wilkes-Barre voters is District Judge. God forbid some vengeful BobbleHead becomes Mayor, and like the last, seeks retribution against anyone who attempts to air the dirty dealings of that administration, one must have an honest, fair, and impartial judge, when you finally do get your day in court, not just another political hack willing to uphold the bogus/trumped up charges lofted against you.  

Tom Malloy is a good man, and is ready to listen to you, hear both sides, and then render a fair and impartial ruling. (You know the actions one would expect from a District Justice but rarely sees in these crooked parts.) This time around lets Elect someone we can be proud of, not someone who simply has a name you've heard forever. 

You are not in Hollywood don't vote like it. 


Remember in the race for Magisterial District Judge in Wilkes Barre's, Heights, East End, North End, Parsons, Miners Mills, there are three candidates in this race  and the corruption fix is in, so voting for anyone but Malloy will surely allow for a swift corrupt victory. Ryan Verdekal said it best “There are two types of voters in Wilkes-Barre, those that vote for corruption, and those who vote against. So when you have a candidate who is hand-picked by the current city mayor, and all other candidates splitting what’s left of the honest vote, it’s easy to see that corruption wins every time".

Wake Up Wilkes Barre


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